Aptos Bridge
Frequently Asked Questions
01 Intro
02 Bridge Functionality
03 Registering & Claiming Assets
04 Transferring Assets from Aptos to Other Chains
Welcome to Stargate’s AptosBridge, built on the LayerZero protocol. The Aptos blockchain is built on a fundamentally different architecture relative to other chains and has unique transfer and registration requirements which are focused on user security. Users are required to have both an EVM and an Aptos-compatible wallet to successfully transfer assets using the bridge.
Bridge Functionality
The AptosBridge is a wrapped-asset bridge where users can bridge assets from any of the supported EVM chains into Aptos and receive unified liquidity in the following supported assets: USDC, USDT, WETH, WBTC and USDD. BTC.b and CAKE are also available OFTs (Omnichain Fungible Tokens)
The AptosBridge previously had transfer limits, though these have been removed following a vote within StargateDAO.
Registering & Claiming Assets
The AptosBridge now comes with built-in implicit coin registration meaning that most users can bridge into Aptos freely. If you have opted for explicit coin registration, you will need to claim your assets. You should be prompted to do so.
Transferring Assets from Aptos to Other Chains
Transferring assets from Aptos back to EVM chains does not require additional claim transactions. These transactions used to take up to 3 days, but now happen in just a couple minutes. While bridging into Aptos is free, the StargateDAO has placed a 7bps fee on transactions leaving Aptos.
Frequently Asked Questions
01 Intro
02 Bridge Functionality
03 Registering & Claiming Assets
04 Transferring Assets from Aptos to Other Chains
Welcome to Stargate’s AptosBridge, built on the LayerZero protocol. The Aptos blockchain is built on a fundamentally different architecture relative to other chains and has unique transfer and registration requirements which are focused on user security. Users are required to have both an EVM and an Aptos-compatible wallet to successfully transfer assets using the bridge.
Bridge Functionality
The AptosBridge is a wrapped-asset bridge where users can bridge assets from any of the supported EVM chains into Aptos and receive unified liquidity in the following supported assets: USDC, USDT, WETH, WBTC and USDD. BTC.b and CAKE are also available OFTs (Omnichain Fungible Tokens)
The AptosBridge previously had transfer limits, though these have been removed following a vote within StargateDAO.
Registering & Claiming Assets
The AptosBridge now comes with built-in implicit coin registration meaning that most users can bridge into Aptos freely. If you have opted for explicit coin registration, you will need to claim your assets. You should be prompted to do so.
Transferring Assets from Aptos to Other Chains
Transferring assets from Aptos back to EVM chains does not require additional claim transactions. These transactions used to take up to 3 days, but now happen in just a couple minutes. While bridging into Aptos is free, the StargateDAO has placed a 7bps fee on transactions leaving Aptos.